International & Local Speaking Engagements
Face to face, or online, based upon the new and revolutionary:
There are a few schools of economics – not at some place or some school, but offering some economic theory which is distinct to that school of thought. Until now all schools have been built upon retaining the world’s financially unstable foundations. This makes everything extremely complicated, full of risk and uncertainty. It scares people and creates chaos.
This School takes economics to a new and MUCH SIMPLER level by building a firm foundation through a redesign of the financial services sector. It takes risk and uncertainty away from your savings, reserves, and borrowing contracts, including pension funds, and annuities.
This will breed confidence and improve the prospects of every business and every person in the world. Every business needs to learn what is on offer so that they can get together and ask their governments to act, enabling them to create new businesses faster, more cheaply, and with significantly less risk.
There is more. People need to know how money is created, why it goes in and out of circulation, and what is wrong with relying upon bank lending to create 97% of the money which is in circulation. This is a very unsafe way of doing things. What happens if banks are not lending much, as in Zimbabwe for example, where money is in very short supply, or if the banks lend far too much?
There is a much better alternative. It is the cutting edge of modern researches with famous proponents. But none of them thought to create a firm foundation for their economies first. This leaves them puzzled about how to manage the resulting, still highly complex, and unsafe economy.
The Ingram School also explains why the price of the world’s currencies is another source of instability and what can be done about that.
A university course on offer world-wide, online. It is called MACRO-ECONOMIC DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT. It is aimed at every kind of financial institution, explaining how the new economy, and their role in it, will work. It is also aimed at all the businesses and ordinary people who would love to know more, and so be prepared for, and to organise, asking their governments to make way for the new order of things. In every case the same basic pricing principle is used to solve the design problems.
The first edition of first book[1] is on offer. It can be signed by the writer – the speaker and founder of the Ingram School, Mr Edward C D Ingram. He is the main teacher of the 1-2 hours per week, plus homework and tutorials when wanted, online, interactive, international, online, certified, university course, which is outlined under PROFESSIONAL COURSES, here:
CONTACT FOR SPEAKERS: Mr Ingram, the main speaker: +263 772 900 000, or: Mrs Moyo: +263 (9) 64868 who can provide a venue at the famous and historic Bulawayo Club, Cnr Fort St / 8th, Bulawayo.
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